Proverbs is a book found in the Old Testament that is filled with wisdom that has survived generation after generation. This wisdom will lead you closer to God and guide you toward a life of true fulfillment and joy. Just read a chapter a day and in 31 days you’ll have read the whole thing. We recommend reading the chapter based on the day of the month. So on the first day of the month, read chapter 1. On the second, read chapter 2. And so on.

Ever feel like you just can’t understand what it says or what it means? Try reading a modern translation such as the ESV or NLT. Each translation tries to balance staying true to the original meaning with being readable in today’s English vernacular. We find the ESV to balance these well. The NLT is even easier to read but loses some of the power and depth of meaning found in the ESV.

Whatever translation you chose, the important part is to get in the Bible every day. Before reading ask God to help you to understand what you read. Then sit back, read the daily reading in your Bible or using the links below, and trust God to teach you something about His love for you.

Follow us on twitter (@nlcc #proverbs) for a daily reminder. We’d love to have you share what you are learning.

September 19

As a parent, I've heard more and more recently those wonderful phrases "that's so unfair" and "you're ruining my life". (Pre-teen girls...everything is dramatically "the end of the world") So I couldn't help but laugh when I read verse 18's "Discipline your children while there is hope. Otherwise you will ruin their lives." Then I stopped laughing when I thought about today's parenting culture. Discipline is a very bad word, just like the word "no" is the parenting 4-letter word. All of this brought me back to verse 3: "People ruin their lives by their own foolishness and then are angry at the Lord." Are we setting our children up for failure and separation from God by not correcting them? And by correcting them, I'm talking about imparting morals and wisdom when using that nasty "no" word. This whole month Proverbs has been teaching us how to be disciplined and wiser adults. Are we passing that wisdom and discipline along to our children in the process?

Read Proverbs 19

Daily Reading List

1 – Proverbs 1
2 – Proverbs 2
3 – Proverbs 3
4 – Proverbs 4
5 – Proverbs 5
6 – Proverbs 6
7 – Proverbs 7
8 – Proverbs 8
9 – Proverbs 9
10 – Proverbs 10
11 – Proverbs 11
12 – Proverbs 12
13 – Proverbs 13
14 – Proverbs 14
15 – Proverbs 15
16 – Proverbs 16
17 – Proverbs 17
18 – Proverbs 18
19 – Proverbs 19
20 – Proverbs 20