Join us for MomCo!

Thursday Morning MomCo Group

MOPs @ the nZone!
Starting September
But meeting for Playdates and Mom’s Night Out all summer!!

Welcome Momma!
We are glad you are here. MomCo is a place where you can take a few minutes to recharge and connect with other moms. We know that momming is hard work and want this to be a place where you can be refreshed. We will learn together from other mom’s who have “been there, done that” and speakers that are experts in their fields. Each week will hold something new, but also the familiarity and community of your table moms and mentor moms to discuss and process what we are talking about each week.

KidsCo (childcare and learning):
We are excited to welcome your children to the children’s programming powered by the nZone! All children 18 months – 5 years will be a part of the youth programs here at the nZone. The kids will spend time playing, learn a Bible lesson, have some field time, eat snack, and have a great time!

If your child is 0-17 months, they will be a part of our nursery! The nursery will be in a secure room with a 4 to 1 ration between children and adults. We can’t change diapers, but we can keep your babies happy while you take a few minutes to recharge with other Moms. We know that parting with our little ones can be hard. We try to keep MomCo meetings as much for the moms as possible. We do love seeing the babies tho, and sometimes we need them as much as they need us.

Benefit of MomCo at New Life:
The nZone is giving MOPS moms free Experience Youth Memberships to the children of all registered MOPS moms. With this membership, parents will get access to exclusive member rates on all youth programs, FREE entrance into Family Field Time, and up to 1.5 hours of evening drop in care in C4K daily.

Welcome to New Life Christian Church’s Thursday morning MomCo group!

In addition to meetings, we participate in community service projects, safe small group playdates, and mom’s-night-out.

MomCo is a place for mothers of young children (0-5) and expectant mothers to be themselves, to be encouraged, equipped, and develop into the mothers and women that God has intended them to become.  Seasoned veterans in motherhood are there to mentor moms and provide insight into discussion topics.

Mother of a school-aged child? Welcome! Often these moms are so busy running to sports practices, music lessons, scouts, and fitting in homework that there is little time to develop lasting relationships and connections with moms experiencing similar life pleasures and stresses. Join us at MomCo and find consistent community.

Moms in both of these age groups are welcome at the Thursday morning MomCo Group at New Life. We are a group of moms doing life together and encouraging each other. While we only offer childcare up to age 5, if you are a mom with kids from 0 – 5th grade, come join us!!