This Week

June 15 – nZone Farmers Market

Saturdays, 9am – 1pm through October
The nZone is kicking off it’s new farmers market this summer! The market will run every Saturday from 9am – 1pm in the South parking lot of the nZone. More than 20 vendors will be on site selling produce, meat, mushrooms, coffee, crafts, and more! Be a part the market, and come back each week for fresh, new finds.

Jun 15 – Passion for Community Delivery

Drivers, Movers, and More
Serving the under-resourced in our community P4C makes regular delivers in the surrounding communities. The deliveries are often furniture and other items to set up the home of someone moving from homelessness into their own apartment. It doesn’t take much time, just a few hours, but it makes a huge impact on the families we serve. To find out more about the opportunities to serve or to volunteer, click here

June 16 – Father’s Day Car Meet

Sunday June 16 10am-12pm at PBES
We’re partnering with Fuel and Faith to host a car show. Bring your cool dad and car for fellowship and to celebrate fathers. There will be raffles, races, and more!

June 16 – Father’s Day Dodgeball

After 3rd service on field 1
Calling all Dads and kids of all ages – It’s about to go down!
Father’s Day means dodgeball here at New Life. The Kids v. Dads (or father figures)  dodgball games are a long standing tradition. Leave time on Father’s Day to join us on Field 1 for a massive game (or games) of dodgeball. Who will be the last man (or kid) standing??

Sunday Nights – Linton Hall Prayer Night

7pm Sunday Nights
Join us as we pray weekly for Northern Virginia, the Linton Hall Campus, and more each week. This weekly prayer meeting will continue through out the Awaken NoVA campaign. for more information

Coming Up Next

June 21Popsicles and Playgrounds

9-11am Clareybrook Park
The summer sun is shining. Kids are out of school. Parents are looking for fun things to do with the kiddos. Look no further! Load the kids in the car and head over to Playground and Popsicle time at Clareybrook Park! The kids get a chance to play with other kids, parents can have some grown-up conversations, and everyone can enjoy a Popsicle!

June 21 – Summer Launch Party

6:30 – 8:30pm @ the nZone!
School is finally out for the summer and we are celebrating with the nZone! New Life and the nZone have partnered to bring you a great family, fun, free evening to start summer right. This rain or shine event will take place inside and outside the nZone. There will be free fun activities. Free hotdogs and popcorn. Free games. And the Hershey Ice Cream truck will be there with ice cream for purchase!
Want to be a part of the team that makes this Third Friday event great? CLICK HERE for the list of places to serve and to sign up.

June 21 – Women’s Ministry Towel Exchange

7pm @  Arelene Laureano’s Home
This annual event is a favorite! Join us for a fun night hanging out with other women and getting to know one another. Bring a friend and towels to exchange. For more information .

June 28 – Linton Hall Men’s Ministry Campfire

8:30 – 10pm @ the Ingram’s
Gather with other men to enjoy and evening outdoors and learn how a campfire is a perfect analogy for living a life of character and value. for more information

July 5 – Night of Prayer – Chantilly

7 pm First Friday Night of Prayer
Join me and a great group of people next Friday at 7pm at my home for our First Friday prayer gathering. Erika Hubbard, our prayer team lead, will be leading us in a time of prayer for worldwide mission work including the various missionaries we have sent and/or support as a church. We’d love you to be a part. This monthly prayer meeting will take place on Friday, June 7, at the Furgerson’s home. for the address or more information.

July 14 – Linton Hall Men’s Ministry Training Event

9am – PBES Teacher’s Lounge
Join us June 9 in the Teacher’s Lounge at 9am for our monthly teaching time. This month we will be learning and practicing how to love God and love others. All men are welcome to attend! For more information contact

July 29 – August 2 – New Life Youth Summer Camp

Mid Atlantic Christian University
Summer is just around the corner that means one thing – New Life Youth Summer Camp! Middle and High School students are invited to come to this fun, life-changing event. We will create memories, have a blast, and grow spiritually together. Sign up today to reserve your spot in this popular summer event.

Upcoming Classes

July 7 – Discovering New Life

1 pm on Zoom!
Have you ever wondered what we are all about and why we do the things we do? Find out more at Discovering New Life. We will talk about what’s important to us, and take a look at Next Steps. to RSVP and get the link. Or

Coming this Fall!!Financial Peace University

Classes meet @ the nZone.
Learn how to make your money work for you! We all need a plan for our money. FPU is that plan! It teaches God’s ways of handling money. Instead of wondering where your money went, learn how to tell it where to go. Click here for more info!

Current Bible Studies

Bible in a Year

Read the entire Bible in 2024!
It is always a good time to join one of the Bible in a year groups. No one says you have to start a year long reading on January 1st! Head over to the Bible in a Year page and check out the options. Join an online group, a You-Version or even a text group and start reading the Bible this year.

More Bible Studies

Not ready to commit to the entire Bible in a year? Start with one of our other Bible studies. Check out the full list by clicking here.

Weekly Ministries

Mondays – GriefShare

Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm @ the nZone
The next session of GriefShare begins on May 13, 2024.
The death of a loved one is a difficult and you do not have to navigate the grief alone. On Monday nights, GriefShare will be meeting in Meeting room 2 at the nZone. For more information or to register, click here.

Thursdays – DivorceCare

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm 2 the nZone
You don’t have to go through it alone. Join this caring group of people who want to go alongside you in this journey. For more information or to register for the class, click here.

Fridays – Celebrate Recovery

Fridays, 7pm @ the nZone
Whether you’re stuck spiritually and don’t know why or have something specific in your life holding you back, CR is a great place to address what’s going on. Just show up on Friday at 7pm or email for more info. CR is the place to begin healing from your hurts, hang-ups and habits.

New Life Merch!

Our online store is an incredible way to start conversations about the church that you call home! Click here to check out the online store. It was designed for the Youth program, but we expanded it to include New Life Logos as well! You pick the item of clothing you like and then choose the color and you will have the option of 3 different logos to put onto the piece of clothing.

Future Events

Jun 17 – Little Stars Camp Begins!
Jun 10 – Little Stars Summer Camp Begins!
Jun 21 – Playground and Popsicle
Jun 21 – Women’s Ministry Towel Exchange
Jun 21 – Summer Launch Party!
Jun 23 – Youth Hangout @ Wendy’s and Rita’s
Jun 28 – Men’s Ministry Campfire
Jul 7 – Church Planting Sunday
Jul 7 – Youth Dodgeball