At New Life, we believe that there is extreme power in prayer. But we also realize that sometimes, without direction or specifics, our prayer life can lack impact (to us and others). That is why we have this page setup to give you something fresh to pray with us about every day of the month. So pray with us this month, and any month using the below prompts. It is our hope that not only God does amazing things but that we will be changed because of it as well as we see God work.

September 12

Day 12 Focus: Missions

Scripture: Do not be afraid, little flock, for our Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:22-32 Affirmation/Declaration: Dear Father, You have commanded the church to make disciples of all nations. Request/Petition: Father, please bless our mission efforts and multiply our contributions in Your power and might. Please provide finances and resources for us to meet needs in the US and abroad. Let all who we minister to in mission programs see Your love and grace and be irresistibly drawn to You. Thanksgiving: Thank you for successes we see when we take bold steps in faith to expand Your kingdom here on earth. All glory to Your name! In Jesus' name, Amen.